Paolo Baldini

Forlì-Cesena, Emilia Romagna, Italy ·

PhD student at the University of Bologna since November 2022. Visiting researcher at the IRIDIA laboratory, part of the Université libre de Bruxelles.

Paolo Baldini is involved in research in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Specifically, he focuses on the development of online adaptation methodologies for robotic agents. His long-term goal is to improve the current state of robotics by allowing robots to face unpredictability. Other areas of interest concern Complex Systems, Unconventional Computing, and Genes Regulatory Networks.

Paolo Baldini is author of some research articles, and has been reviewer of some others. In the academia, he taught part of the course of Computer Architectures, and collaborated for the evaluation of students in the course of Algorithms and Data Structures. Additionally, he has been co-supervisor of two master theses.


The collection of publications I contributed to produce. Here, they are ordered by importance.


On the performance of online adaptation of robots controlled by nanowire networks

Paolo Baldini, Andrea Roli, Michele Braccini

IEEE Access

December 2023


Cell–Cell interactions: how coupled boolean networks tend to criticality

Paolo Baldini, Andrea Roli, Michele Braccini

Artificial Life

July 2024


Online Adaptation of robots controlled by Nanowire Networks: a preliminary study

Paolo Baldini, Michele Braccini, Andrea Roli

XVI International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation (WIVACE), Gaeta, Italy

September 2022


An investigation of graceful degradation in boolean network robots subject to Online Adaptation

Michele Braccini, Paolo Baldini, Andrea Roli

XVII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation (WIVACE), Venice, Italy

September 2023


Emergent dynamics in heterogeneous life-like Cellular Automata

Aarati Shrestha, Felix Reimers, Sanyam Jain, Paolo Baldini, Michele Braccini, Andrea Roli, Stefano Nichele

XVIII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation (WIVACE), Namur, Belgium

September 2024


Attended Conferences


A list of countries and institutions I studied in and/or worked at since I started my bachelor.


Università di Bologna — Alma Mater Studiorum / Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • PhD in Computer Science and Engineering
  • Master in Computer Science and Engineering
  • Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering


Université libre de Bruxelles / IRIDIA Laboratory

  • Visiting student


Politechnika Warszawska / European Master on Advanced Robotics (EMARO)

  • Erasmus student
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