Online Adaptation of robots controlled by Nanowire Networks: a preliminary study

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The ability to adapt to changes and unexpected situations is a commonly acknowledged hallmark of autonomy and intelligence. In this work we take inspiration from biology for the definition of a robot able to continuously adapt to changes. Specifically, we define its control structure and the mechanism used to perform the adaptation. The former is based on the Reservoir Computing framework, on which the latter acts. The result is the design of an Online Adaptive Reservoir Computing system based on a novel memristive reservoir: the Nanowire Network. Finally, the robot is tested on three different tasks taking place in different arenas. The results are then discussed and compared with a baseline algorithm.

    title        = {Online Adaptation of Robots Controlled by Nanowire Networks: A Preliminary Study},
    author       = {Baldini, Paolo and Braccini, Michele and Roli, Andrea},
    booktitle    = {Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation},
    booksubtitle = {16th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2022, Gaeta, Italy, September 14--16, 2022, Revised Selected Papers},
    year         = {2023},
    volume       = {1780},
    pages        = {171--182},
    publisher    = {Springer Nature Switzerland}

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