Nanowire Network simulator
Cconnected_component | Connected component of the Nanowire Network. It contains all the information needed to identify the nanowires and junctions in it. Additionally, it contains the index of the junctions in the CC-specific adjacency matrix |
Cdatasheet | Defines the static characteristics of the device |
Cinterface | Interface between the nanowire-network device and external systems |
Cjunction | Stores the index of the wires forming the junction together with its position |
CMEA | Represent a Micro-Electrode Array of 16 electrodes (physically sound). Save their position and the index of the nearest nanowire (calculated from the centroid). If the electrode is not enough near to any nanowire, its mapping value is -1. Also memorize the connection state of each electrode and its possible connected weight |
Cnetwork_state | Electrical state of the Nanowire Network. It contains the varying values of the junctions and the voltage distribution in the network nanowires |
Cnetwork_topology | Topology of the Nanowire Network. It contains information about the physical placement of nanowires and junctions in the package |
Cnode | |
Cpoint | Structure representing a point in the cartesian space |
Cwire | Stores the starting and ending positions of a wire together with its centroid position and total length |