nns.c  1.0.1
Nanowire Network simulator
MEA Struct Reference

Represent a Micro-Electrode Array of 16 electrodes (physically sound). Save their position and the index of the nearest nanowire (calculated from the centroid). If the electrode is not enough near to any nanowire, its mapping value is -1. Also memorize the connection state of each electrode and its possible connected weight. More...

#include <mea.h>

Public Attributes

 The position of each electrode.
connection_t ct [MEA_ELECTRODES]
double ws [MEA_ELECTRODES]

Detailed Description

Represent a Micro-Electrode Array of 16 electrodes (physically sound). Save their position and the index of the nearest nanowire (calculated from the centroid). If the electrode is not enough near to any nanowire, its mapping value is -1. Also memorize the connection state of each electrode and its possible connected weight.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ct

connection_t MEA::ct[MEA_ELECTRODES]

Contains the connection type of each electrode; see connection_t

◆ e2n


A mapping from the electrode index to the nanowire index. If the electrode is not enough near to any nanowire, its value is -1.

◆ ws


The possible weights connected to the electrode (in siemens).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: